Some Dreams Do Come True

The Swiss Alps

We have been waiting as patiently as we could to finally write this post. About a month ago we were approached by work with an opportunity to move to Europe for several months. It has always been a dream of ours to live in Europe and be able to take advantage of the close proximity to visit as many countries as possible. Although it won’t be as long as we might have hoped for, it will be long enough for us to truly make the most of it. We will be moving to Frankfurt, Germany, which is pretty centrally located, so we should be able to see a fair amount during the several months that we’ll be living there.

Another View of the Swiss Alps

This will be the first time that we’ve lived outside of United States, so it will certainly be an adjustment for us. We’re not one of those couples who sell all of their belongings, quit their jobs, and travel the world, but this is as close as we’ll probably come to that. For all of our friends who live in Europe, we’ll definitely be seeking any advice that you can provide to us when we arrive in September. We are extremely excited to make the most of the opportunity that we’ve been given. Maybe we’ll see some of you soon ☺. Since we don’t have any pictures from Germany, we put a few pictures of the Swiss Alps from one of our flights.

One More View

29 thoughts on “Some Dreams Do Come True

  1. O.M.F.G.!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!! Oh I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous! What great, fantastic, amazing, incredible news! OMG!!
    You NEED to write regular posts about the day-to-day while living in Frankfurt.

    Best of luck to you. OMG. I’m jumping up and down and doing the happy dance for you!! That is so great!!!

  2. Fantastic! with your great attitude to travelling, you’ll certainly be making the most of it. If you decide to come to Italy, do let me know 🙂 ROME of course, but also Venice – we hope to make it to the Architecture Biennale September or October. Also, we’ll be visiting Turin late October. We’ve only been there for work – no time to visit – though it offers a lot since it’s been revamped …. Would be great meeting up with you 🙂

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