Isobar Expeditions

The Draw of Something Familiar


Pirate Ship Bar at a Resort

We love going to places that we’ve never visited before and learning about the different cultures.  Sometimes, however, it is nice to revisit a place that you’ve been to several times before.  We are heading back to Cabo San Lucas in the Baja Peninsula of Mexico during the second week of November.  It has been a long, hectic year, and we decided that a week of rest and relaxation was needed more than a whirlwind adventure overseas.  This will be our third time staying at the same resort in the past eight years, so we’re familiar with the restaurants, we know where to go to do some art exploring, and we won’t have any anxiety or apprehensions about what to expect.

One of the nice things about returning to a place that you’re familiar with is that you don’t lose a day getting acquainted with your surroundings.  Our first day in a new location is usually one of staring at maps, trying to figure out the lay of the land, and learning the best way to get around to see all of the sites.  A familiar place, such as the resort in Cabo, is almost like coming home to a home away from home.  Friendly faces, familiar customs, the sense of calm that there shouldn’t be any unexpected surprises.

We are counting down the days until we are on the beach enjoying a Mai Tai and bathing in the sun.  Even though we’ve been there before, we’ll still do some exploring, trying to find some hidden treasure we hadn’t seen before.  We always try different restaurants and try to find where the locals go for fun and adventure.  In many ways, it is just like exploring your own backyard, but better since it is in a different country.

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