FINALLY – We Have Planned and Booked Our Next Adventure

It has been 19 months since our last extended trip out of the country and we have been waiting for the opportunity to go almost anyplace. There are still many places that aren’t open to travel, but slowly many of them are starting to resume tourist activities. We have planned a trip to Kenya and Tanzania for the first two weeks of July. We have made sure to check all cancellation policies, travel warnings, and talked to local tour operators. Before COVID, this would have been an easy decision, either we go or don’t go. Now there is a lot more to consider before making such a commitment as it is never cheap to travel, especially for a trip such as this.

The Plane We Took to the Amazon
The Mountains of Ninh Binh Province in Vietnam – Our Last Adventure

We are doing a 10 day safari that will take us through the Amboseli National Park, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater, the Serengeti, and Masai Mara. We are obviously very excited, but it wasn’t an easy decision. We have always been able to plan trips relatively quickly, but after a year and a half without traveling, it felt as if we were planning the very first overseas adventure ever. We are optimistic that nothing will change and our trip will happen as planned, but in the current world, there are no guarantees. It seems that people fall into two camps when it comes to traveling post-pandemic. Many people only want to travel somewhat locally and not take the risk of going internationally where they might get quarantined, sick, or have restrictions. Then there are others who have the “itch” like us who simply can’t wait to get back out into the world. Perhaps we’re a little crazy, but we are so glad to have an adventure to look forward to. Which camp do you fall into?

Looking Forward to Seeing the World from Our Airplane Window Again

20 thoughts on “FINALLY – We Have Planned and Booked Our Next Adventure

  1. Wow – I am SO envious…..
    Re your closing question there….. I actually don’t know which type of trip we’ll book first. I’ve been saying for ages that I’m going straight for the top of my wish list – the Galapagos…. but that will take some planning so won’t be first – mmmaaayyybbee somewhere in Europe – where we can get home (Ireland) quickly if necessary. Hubby has a recurring family event in Spain every October so I think that’s his target. I’d love to think I’d get away somewhere for New Year.
    Hope things work out for you – It’ll be lovely to read some new travel stories – even if they’re not my own!!!!

    1. We were supposed to take this trip for our 30th wedding anniversary last year. Glad to be able to finally take it. We have been to Ecuador, but we did not do the Galapagos. It seems like South America is opening its borders and more and more countries are allowing tourists. If you work with a guide they could help you plan and keep you informed as to changes. We are working with a tour company and they have really provided a lot of good information.

  2. I probably fall in the category of having an itch but the restrictions are making me less excited to go abroad. While some countries have less or fewer restrictions, there is that negative test that still needs to be done before returning to the US. I canโ€™t wait to hear about your trip!

  3. I have this fear of being trapped outside the country and unable to get back in. You know… pet, mortgage, bills, my garden going to seed, etc. We are REALLY hoping vaccinated people will soon be able to return to the US without a negative COVID test. It would be just my luck to fall in the .0000000035% of people who are fully vaccinated but somehow contract COVID!

      1. Yes, but Mango Airlines who had a direct flight from Johannesburg – Zanzibar just suspended their flights… so it will be little bit more effort to get there … ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  4. We’re not even thinking about it yet as there are so many unanswered questions around where/when we will be allowed to leave the UK. You are very lucky!

  5. Amazing you have booked something, that’s amazing! We have decided to stay in England this summer as we are still so restricted on travel here, but are hoping for a European getaway in November if the cases have fallen by then ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Pingback: FINALLY โ€“ We Have Planned and Booked Our Next Adventure – Your Travelerโ€™s Assistant

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