Cee’s Which Way Challenge

We haven’t participated in this challenge before, but when we were going through some pictures of Iceland the other day we came across a photo that seemed perfect. The purpose of this challenge is to show photographs that depict the roads, walks, trails, rails, and steps that carry us places. Iceland seemed particularly fitting since we  spent  so much of our time taking pictures from our rental car. This photo was taken when we stopped at Gullfoss Falls and climbed down these stairs to get a closer look at the waterfall.

Stairs Leading Down to Gullfoss Falls

We saw plenty of incredible scenery while driving, like the glacier off in the distance as we twisted and turned around the peninsula.

Driving Around the Peninsula


4 thoughts on “Cee’s Which Way Challenge

  1. The shot of the stairs is really great!… And I don’t know why but to me it comes out even better in the header, the way it’s cropped. Perhaps because of the way it makes you focus on the stairs themselves, cutting out much of the background? I think in your place I couldn’t resist playing around with cropping the original picture in various ways…. just to see what difference it makes! 🙂

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