Shared Travel Memories

It has been interesting reading the various travel blogs over the past several months since we started our own site. One theme that we’ve seen quite often is talking about how people should try traveling solo and what a great experience it is. First, let us say that we think everyone should travel in whatever capacity that is possible. So, by all means, travel, whether solo, in large groups, small groups, or with a companion. For us, a travel memory that isn’t shared jointly by the two of us, just isn’t the same. We love recanting those “remember when we” moments that we’ve shared throughout the years.

Paris, France
Granada, Spain

As we said before, we’re not trying to say that those that travel solo aren’t enjoying an incredible experience, based on the posts we’ve seen, they definitely are.  And we can certainly see how having the freedom to make impulse decisions, define your own agenda, go as fast or slow as you like are all great benefits, not to mention only having to pay for one.  We kind of feel that we have the best of both worlds.  We’ve been together so long that we basically travel as though we have a shared thought process.  So impulse decisions, agenda, speed, are all things that we agree on and neither of us ever seems to feel like we’re “not getting our way”.  On the flip side, when there are travel challenges, we have each other to lean on, support each other, and usually laugh about it since there is often nothing we can do about it (sometimes the laughing comes later though 😉 ).

Aspen, Colorado
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Travelling is such a great experience, changing the way you view your world and the people who share it with you, that we definitely encourage everyone to travel.  We hope that everyone is fortunate enough to one day have a travel companion, friend, spouse, family member, that they get to share those special moments with.  Every trip, no matter how monumental or seemingly inconsequential, has the potential to create one of those life altering memories.  In fact, many of those memories might be more about the people who you are with than the location that you’re visiting.  Having someone to recount that memory with later makes the memory that much sweeter.  For now, we’ll just count our blessings and look forward to making as many new shared memories as possible.

Disney World – Orlando, Florida


11 thoughts on “Shared Travel Memories

  1. Thanks for a thought-provoking post. I’ve travelled both ways and they are quite different experiences. For me, solo is useful when I need a total break from “real life”: you’re more detached, enjoy more introspection and meditative moments, with a tinge of loneliness that can be …interesting! . But for fun, nothing beats travelling with someone you’re in harmony with – for the memories yes, but even more for the actual sharing and laughing, commenting and eating together during the trip 🙂

    1. You are right about the little moments that make up the experience. As with everything, it is more about the journey than it is the destination. It is also true that it is about the little moments more than the big memories.

  2. Great post! This is the same conclusion I came to when I posted about solo travel a few weeks ago, although I think those of us who have a dedicated travel companion are more inclined to feel this way. 🙂 Solo travel has some benefits, but I always find myself wishing I was sharing a solo trip. Like you two, I’m lucky that my husband’s usually in sync with me, and that we love traveling together.

  3. You are lucky to be travel companions who are totally in sync with one another. While I am happily married for many years, my husband and I are not always on the same wavelength while traveling; in fact, it might be the one part of our life where we are most different! We do still travel together, but I also make time for my own trips, both alone and with others (the best being my daughter and my sister). All are great in their own way!

    1. Yes, we do count ourselves as being lucky. Travelling with close family, or even close friends, provides the same shared experiences. We definitely aren’t saying that people shouldn’t travel solo, there are definitely benefits to that as well.

  4. Thank you for some really good thoughts. I can only agree that the memories from travelling is much better when shared with someone, especially someone you care about. Travelling solo has the advantage that you can plan it your way, but at the same time it is just not the same (for me) not to be able to share it. 🙂

  5. I have also read a number of travelling solo posts, and for me I couldn’t imagine travelling to all of these amazing places without my wife by my side! We have experienced so much of the world together and we have the memories to last a lifetime now 🙂

  6. Pingback: Our Changing Reflections on Travel – Living The Q Life

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