Isobar Expeditions

Frankfurt am Main

Town Square

After a couple of rainy days, we were finally able to get out and get our first real look at Frankfurt’s old city. We have started our search for an apartment, but have not found anything yet, but we think we know which area in the city we would like to live. There is a festival going on through next weekend, so things were rather busy, but we are definitely still adjusting to the local time as all of the shops were closed since it was Sunday. It was definitely the taste of Germany that we were expecting.

Clock Tower
Old Architecture
Vendor with Popcorn, Nuts, and Candy
The Old City

We will definitely be learning more about the history of Frankfurt over the next several weeks, so we simply enjoyed seeing the beautiful architecture and eating and drinking at the local restaurants. Oddly enough, we ended up eating at French restaurants for both lunch and dinner as the German restaurant that we tried to go to for dinner was booked for a private party. Today is a holiday in Germany, so we are expecting it to be a slow day, but that will give us the chance to do some more exploring and getting acquainted with the city until we have to go to work later this week. It is very strange to be moving here as opposed to just visiting on vacation, so we are still getting adjusted and learning a little German.

View from the Bridge
Amazing Towers
David and Goliath Statue

We are already planning our first trip out of the city and will be getting our rail passes and local transit passes tomorrow. Everyone has been extremely friendly as well as helpful, so it won’t take us long to feel at home in this wonderful mid-size city. Most places that we want to visit seem to be within walking distance, but when we need to take a taxi, the prices have been very reasonable.  We are only three days into our adventure, but the excitement just continues to build. We should be able to settle into a normal routine over the next couple of days and will be able to share our adventures much more regularly now that we are in country.

Another View of the Town Square
Church Across the River
Another Vendor at the Festival
The Ratskeller
Alte Oper


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