Our Changing Reflections on Travel

We have written several times over the past three to four years about how travel has impacted our lives. Looking back at the way we have viewed how travel influences our lives is as interesting in some ways as the actual travel has been. It is important to reflect upon the actual act of traveling as it is the experiences that come from travel. Here is a chronological look at the different articles we have written about travel in general.

Sitting at a Restaurant in the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain
  1. January 2016 – Shared Travel Memories. One of our early posts where we discuss traveling as a couple.

    Lighthouse on the Northern Coast of Africa in Morocco
  2. July 2017 – Do You Have a Specific Travel Goal. We shared our thoughts on having very specific goals for our travels and what we would consider to be our ultimate travel goal.

    View of the Prague Castle Complex
  3.  August 2017 – There is Always One More Place to See. No matter how many places you go, you can always find different countries, cities, regions, or specific sites that you would like to visit.

    At the Louvre in Paris
  4.  November 2017 – Every Trip Makes You a Smarter Traveler. We looked back at our first out of country experience and how different we travel now than we did then.

    Ancient Temple in India
  5.  February 2018 – How Do You Choose Your Next Travel Destination? We discussed the different ways that people use to pick a place that they would like to visit.

    The Streets of the Old City in Cairo
  6.  February 2019 – What Do You Hope to Get From Traveling. Regardless of the reason for your travel, it has an impact on you, so we explore the benefits of various travel styles.

    Paddling in a Small Canoe in the Amazon
  7.  March 2019 – Our Traveler Evolution. Exploring the various phases our travel style has gone through over the years.

    Standing in Bran Castle (Dracula’s Castle) in Transylvania
  8.  June 2019 – How Does Traveling Make You Feel. Sharing the emotions that come with traveling.

    Temples of Mahabalipuram
  9.  February 2020 – What Was Your Wanderlust Moment? We looked back at the trip that influenced the way that we have traveled since that experience.

    Halong Bay in Vietnam
  10.  March 2020 – Travel in an Uncertain World. In a world where things are continuously changing, travel is often impacted, but especially in today’s world.


Learning How to Photograph Food

Like many people, we are always taking pictures of our food in restaurants and they usually turn out quite well, even though we just use our phones. Then we come home, recreate a recipe from someplace that we’ve traveled and take photos of the dish that we’ve created. We almost always dislike the pictures of our own dishes. We have read about different techniques from using a south facing window, how to plate the dish, color contrasts, etc., but still they just don’t seem to photograph well. Obviously, we don’t expect our food to necessarily look like it was prepared by a chef, we are only home-cooks and not classically trained.

Prime Rib with Yorkshire Pudding
Moroccan Chicken
Homemade Chili

We have heard that people don’t expect photographs of food to look perfect, like those from a magazine, and that a little messy can be just fine. No one has ever complained about our food pictures, other than ourselves, but we find that we are forever trying to improve at it. Maybe we are trying too hard, perhaps we should just sit down with our dinner and take a picture with our cell phone instead of taking them with our camera.

Herbed Cornish Game Hen with Pancetta
Roasted Lamb
Breaded Tilapia

If anyone out there has some great advice, we would love to hear it. Just like we aren’t professional cooks, we also aren’t professional photographers, so if there are some simple tips, we would love to hear it. Maybe we are just being too hard on ourselves, but want to continuously improve what we do. Do any of you struggle with taking photographs of food or anything else?

Pique Macho
Tender Duck Breast

How to Make Getaways with Your Dog a Blast for You Both

Today we are featuring a guest article from Nick at Our Best Doggo who embraces traveling with their dogs.

What could be more fun than a getaway with your best furry sidekick? If you and Fido are thinking of hitting the road, you’ll need to make some preparations to ensure you both have a blast. Read on for a few key tips to ensure fabulous adventures with your pup.

Modes of Travel

Generally speaking, road travel is the most dog-friendly option for going away with your faithful companion. However, it’s necessary to prepare in a manner that will keep you both comfortable in the car. For instance, even if he’s well-behaved, your dog will require some sort of restraint to keep you both safe while driving.

There are seat belt harnesses, barriers, and crates that keep your dog safely contained when you’re ready to roll. If you need to go out without him at some point, a crate also allows you to do so without worry, as it provides den-like comfort to your pooch and peace of mind for you. Many fold up to carry easily, and you can set it up in your hotel or vacation rental. Just make sure you invest in a crate big enough for your dog to stand, turn around, and lay down easily.

Hitting the Open Road

Even though road trips are a dog-friendly travel mode, they still require some thought. Plan to stop every hour or two for you and your dog to stretch your legs, and for Fido to do his “business.” HowStuffWorks points out virtually every gas station and fast-food restaurant that has a grassy strip you can use for exercising your dog, so it’s not hard to find places to take breaks.

You should offer your dog a drink at stops as well. If you bring along a bowl, you can always get water from a restroom or drive through to shake his thirst.

Of course, air travel is an option for you and your dog. Airlines have an abundance of regulations for pets and their parents, and as People explains, those rules and policies vary by airline. It’s not impossible; just do your homework and you should also consider acclimating your dog to places with busy, airport-like atmospheres before your trip.

Plan for Pet-Friendly

We all need to get away from it all now and then, and you want to feel at ease throughout your adventures with your dog. At the same time, other travelers aren’t always comfortable with dogs, and many places don’t allow pets. Because of this, a little bit of planning can go a long way in keeping everyone content.

With that in mind, think through your destination. As WPZL explains, not all locations are equally pet-friendly. Take into account things like the weather, animal protection laws, and whether there will be things to do together when you arrive.

Whatever destination you choose, make sure you find a dog-friendly place for you and Fido to rest at night. There are numerous pet-friendly hotels to choose from, although many dog owners like the privacy of a vacation rental — and there are still options aplenty; just use a filter when you’re researching your lodging. And of course, if you and your pooch enjoy sleeping under the stars, camping is another dog-friendly choice!

Activities and Adventures

Since you’re going to the trouble of planning a vacay with Fido, of course you want to be able to do things together once you reach your destination. Thankfully, there are virtually limitless possibilities! You can take your dog to fun dog parks, restaurants, and other attractions like zoos and amusement parks. The world is Fido’s oyster!

Just double-check policies before you buy tickets, make sure vaccinations are up to date, know where area vets are (just in case!) and keep your dog on a sturdy leash. The last thing you want is to become separated in a strange place!

Are you ready to get away with your best buddy? Plan your adventure carefully, research your destination, and invest in appropriate gear. Then, have a blast making amazing memories!

Images via Unsplash