Latest Blog Posts

  • Weekend in Koblenz

    Trying to go to different places every weekend has definitely been exhausting and we haven’t had the time to fully describe all of the things that we have seen during our first month here in Germany. This weekend was no exception as we decided to spend two days in Koblenz. It was a relatively short… Read more

  • Heidelberg Castle

    Earlier this week, we decided to make a quick trip from Frankfurt to Heidelberg. It is only a fifty-minute train ride to reach Heidelberg and it is definitely a trip that is worth the while. Clearly it is a popular tourist destination and top among the sites to visit is the castle that looms large… Read more

  • Colorful Homes

    Wherever we travel, we always enjoy seeing beautiful and colorful homes. Sometimes the scenery around a building can add to its beauty and sometimes it is just the building itself that sets the scene. For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Houses and/or Barns, we decided to choose a couple of our favorite photos of colorful homes. First… Read more

  • Escargot Galore

    We love a good escargot and, apparently, so do the people of Frankfurt. Perhaps it is because we have come across several French Bistros, but they can be found in traditional German restaurants as well. More correctly, you will find snails on the menus, whether it is French or German. We have been here for… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Shine

    Bright objects can definitely draw your attention, especially when looking through the lens of a camera. For this week’s photo challenge, shine, we decided to use a photo that might seem a little whimsical. These pictures were taken from our hotel room in Denver during one of our visits. It is a photo of the… Read more

  • Walking with Locks of Love

    We haven’t been consistent with sharing for Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge, but we thought we would try to participate more often. For this week, we decided to use a photo from here in Frankfurt. This is the pedestrian bridge that takes you from Altenstadt (Old Town) Frankfurt into the suburb of Sachsenhausen. Sachsenhausen is… Read more