Latest Blog Posts

  • Children are the Same All Over the World

    No matter where you go, you can seeing children playing, smiling, and laughing with unabashed innocence. Are there places with suffering, pain, and even death, of course there are. But even in the midst of poverty and despair, you will still find children who somehow, perhaps only in brief moments, do what children do, have… Read more

  • Iberian Ham

    We had heard quite a bit about how good the Iberian ham was before travelling to the Iberian peninsula. To be honest, we enjoy cured meat, but it isn’t necessarily something we gravitate towards. One of the interesting things that we learned about ham is that the reason it is supposed to be so good… Read more

  • Sitting Pretty

    We decided to head to the beaches of the Dominican Republic for this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Legs and Feet. It seems to be a pretty common fad these days to take photos with your legs dangling in the foreground of a beautiful landscape shot. We don’t do that normally ourselves, but we… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Morning

    We’ve said it many times, we are not morning people, so perhaps this is truly a challenge for us. When we think about memorable mornings, they are definitely all from travelling, when forced to make ourselves get up early in order to see as much as possible. Having said that, probably our most memorable mornings… Read more

  • Connection vs Layover

    There are two types of stops when travelling long distance and both can have their pros and cons. During our trip to Bolivia in May we had both, a 24 hour layover in Lima, Peru, as well a connections in Dallas and La Paz. Since this week’s Discover Challenge is Connections, we thought we’d take… Read more

  • Five Must Pack Items for Travel Abroad

    Obviously there are some things that you simply cannot travel without such as your passport, camera, and cell phone. We’d like to talk about a few items that we have found to be just as important, but perhaps aren’t talked about quite as often. Certainly it is possible to purchase some of these items while… Read more