Latest Blog Posts

  • Cee’s Which Way Challenge

    We haven’t participated in this challenge before, but when we were going through some pictures of Iceland the other day we came across a photo that seemed perfect. The purpose of this challenge is to show photographs that depict the roads, walks, trails, rails, and steps that carry us places. Iceland seemed particularly fitting since… Read more

  • Experimenting with Wine

    We are certainly guilty of having a favorite wine that we purchase whether for home or at a restaurant, but trying new wines is the only way to discover wines that may become your new favorite. It isn’t just the brand of wine that you buy, but also the varieties of grapes that you choose.… Read more

  • Climbing to Greater Heights

    We’ve walked our fair share of stairs and climbed a few ladders over the years, but they typically lead to something interesting. It is fairly common to elevate those things that deserve to be seen from great distances and it is just as common to have a lot of stairs to get there. For this… Read more

  • Tangiers Morocco- A World of its Own

    One of our favorite travel memories was when we went to Tangiers for a day while staying in southern Spain.  We remember being a little nervous about going because we weren’t sure about the cultural differences.  Having spent time in India helped calm some of the nerves and the more that we read about it, the more we… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Cherry on Top

    Living in Colorado provides the opportunity to get out and see some gorgeous scenery.  We love to get out and go hiking and immerse ourselves in nature, but the icing on the cake is that sometimes we don’t need to go any farther than our own front porch.  This photo was taken from the front of… Read more

  • Notre-Dame Cathedral – When Churches Were Beautiful

    We’re not sure when places of worship went from being the most beautiful buildings in a town or city to being mega-churches that look more like warehouses than churches, but that has become the case in a lot of cities and towns here in the US.  Obviously you don’t need to be surrounded by ornate… Read more