We Have Arrived in Italy

This is our last trip of our extended stay here in Europe and we have every intention of making the most of it.  We arrived in Florence late Saturday night and awoke to a gorgeous day.  We have a lot planned in our few days in Italy, a few days in Florence, a few days in Rome, and a day in Pisa and the countryside of Tuscany.  If our first day was any indication of what to expect, our final trip will be one of the highlights of our six month adventure.  As always, we will provide more about what we have seen and the places that we have visited, but here are a couple of quick photos showing just a glimpse of the beauty that is Florence.

Stunning Sky
Busy Piazza


10 thoughts on “We Have Arrived in Italy

  1. elittle826

    Can’t wait to connect with you when you are back. We are planning our trip to Florence and will be following you. If you happen to get any info on a concert venue called the Ippodromo, we are anxious to learn about it, as we have concert tickets there. I believe it is a racetrack. Enjoy! Ed and Carla at goherethereandeverywhere.com

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