Reaping What You Sow

Some of you may have noticed that we have been a little quiet this week. We moved into our new place in Colorado Springs this past weekend, so we have been busy unpacking boxes and making it feel like home. It has been quite time consuming, especially with work, but we are almost at a point where we feel a sense of normalcy. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Harvest – Earth, we chose photos that represent harvesting earth’s bounties, but are also counting our own blessings as to being home surrounded by our own furniture once again. The first photo is of a church with a wine vineyard in the small town of Hochheim, Germany.

Church and Vineyard

We saw a lot of humble farmers during our trip to Bolivia. Despite not having any modern equipment, they are still able to produce an abundance of crops.

Plowing the Field
Selling the Harvest


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