Hurry Up and Wait

Anyone who travels with any kind of consistency knows that a lot of time is spent waiting for the plane or train to start boarding. It would be a depressing thought to calculate just how much of our lives have been spent sitting in airport lounges or train station platforms. On top of having to wait for a trip to begin, there can also be time that you spend waiting upon your arrival. Several times we have flown over night and arrived at our destination very early in the morning. There is nothing worse than arriving at your hotel and there isn’t a room ready and it is too early to start sightseeing, so you sit in the lobby, completely exhausted. Beach resorts are notorious for never allowing anyone to check in early, even if the rooms are available, but at least they have a nice area with views to have a colorful cocktail while you wait. In fact, we are so used to having to wait when we go to a beach resort that we put shorts and swimming suits in our carry-on bag so that we can change clothes and get comfortable while we wait for our room. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Sofa, etc. Here are a few photos from places where we spent time waiting for our adventures to begin.

Punta Cana Resort in the Dominican Republic
Waiting for a Room in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Waiting for the Train to Leave the Station
A Place to Wait with a View in Chennai, India
The Best Way to Wait

6 thoughts on “Hurry Up and Wait

  1. Very fun take on this photo challenge! I never really thought about the fact that beach places usually make you wait, but you are so right! I remember sitting in a sweater and long pants in 95+ degrees in Cairns, Australia, waiting for our room there. We finally asked for our luggage, spread out all 5 of our bags, rummaged through them, and dug out our bathing suits right there in the lobby!

    1. We did that on our first trip to Cabo. It was cold when we left Colorado so we had jeans and long sleeve shirts on. After that trip is when we started packing a change of clothes in our carry on ☺

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