Glass Towers Around the World

We spend most of our time when we’re traveling focused on taking photographs of historic buildings and churches in the oldest parts of a city. While the architecture and style of these buildings are certainly quite beautiful, they aren’t always a true representation of everything about a city. Obviously, we always want to maintain the historic feel of the cities that have been around for centuries, but that doesn’t mean that the local people who live there don’t want to modernize and feel like they are part of the modern world. It is certainly a balancing act and you will often find the newer, more modern sections of a city, separated away from the old town sections in a way that almost creates a sense of two different cities, the old and the new. Obviously, most cities in the United States have skyscrapers with smooth glass windows creating unique reflections, but examples of these same styles can be found around the world. We’ll always be focused on the historic buildings when we travel, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t capture some of the new buildings as well.

Sunrise Reflecting on a Skyscraper in Frankfurt
Modern Hotel in La Paz, Bolivia
Glass Building in Cologne
One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower) in New York City
Glass Tower in Amsterdam
Reflections of Vienna
Reflections on Skyscraper in Chicago
Reykjavik, Iceland
Glass Building in Pittsburgh
Sunset Reflection in Cairo, Egypt
Las Vegas
Cityscape of Panama City, Panama


Take Time to Reflect

A lot of people spend so much time looking forward and planning their next adventure that they don’t go back and savor their past experiences. Perhaps we are fortunate since we write about the places that we have visited that we get the opportunity to review our photographs and relive past moments. With that in mind, for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, Reflecting, we went back to a couple of our trips to Chicago where we captured images of reflections off of they skyscrapers as well as the “Bean”.

Cloud Gate (The Bean) in Chicago
Interesting Reflection
Reflections on Skyscraper
Skyline and Its Reflection
One Last View of the Bean


Walking the Streets of Chicago

Keeping with the theme of Chicago, we decided to use this photo from our trip this week for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bridges. The streets of downtown Chicago, what is commonly called “The Loop” because it is the area inside of the elevated subway train tracks (The “L”). There are also several fun bridges that cross the Chicago River as well as a river walk. We took this picture as we crossed one of the bridges and thought that it captured the city’s architecture perfectly.

Amazing Perspective
Taking a Step Back

Just for the fun of it, we’ve also included this nighttime photo of a bridge in Paris that we really like.

Bridge over the Seine River