We Leave for Budapest, Hungary Tomorrow

We have an early flight out of Denver tomorrow morning as we make our way to Budapest, arriving first thing Sunday morning. Even though we are flying over night, we intend to hit the ground running and acclimating to the local time as quickly as possible. We are also taking a day trip into Bratislava, Slovakia, which we are looking forward to as well. We’ll do our best to put a few photos out during our time there and will share the full experience after we return.

11 thoughts on “We Leave for Budapest, Hungary Tomorrow

  1. Have you seen the opera house in Bratislava? Bit of trivia: We learned during our river cruise that people from Vienna often take a bus (or is it a train) to see the opera there because it is so much less expensive than the Vienna Opera House.

  2. Oh wow, you coming to my city ๐Ÿ™‚ If you have the time you should join my food tour next week ๐Ÿ™‚ In case you need some recommendations just let me know, Budapest is an amazing city!

    1. Bratislava was beautiful. There was a lot going on when we were there – Slovakia was in the Hockey World Champions games, so the pubs were packed and the high school seniors graduated and were singing and celebrating in the streets.

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