A Show of National Pride

One of the things that seems universal about traveling is that residents of a country, region, or city are fiercely proud of their country and culture. Even if they aren’t particularly pleased with the people in government at the time, they still remain very passionate about their country and want others to know that it is a wonderful place to visit. Even if the country is struggling financially, tourism is always a valuable source of income and pride for the citizens. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Flags or Banners and we have enjoyed seeing flags of various countries during our travels.

Italian Flag Shading Us from the Sun
Netherland Flag on a Clock Tower
US Flag on the Washington Mall in DC
Irish Flag in Dublin
Flag of Greece in Athens
Many Flags at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota


3 thoughts on “A Show of National Pride

  1. Great photos as usual. I love a flag. Great to see how patriotic people are all around the world. Just wish we did it a bit more in England not just when the World Cup is on.

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