Going With the Flow

We have mentioned previously that we don’t always spend a ton of time planning for a trip and there are other times that we do. We had been going back and forth on where to go for our first big trip of the year and we couldn’t seem to make up our minds. Our initial plan was to go to Vietnam and Cambodia since we wanted to get into Asia, but the airline tickets were more than we were hoping to spend. Then we looked at going back to England as we could get a non-stop flight to London at a relatively reasonable price, but we were hoping to go someplace other than Europe, so we decided not to go there. We had also been tossing around the idea of going to Egypt and then 10 days ago we went ahead and booked our airline tickets. We then researched and found a tour company that had a good reputation and we just finalized our tour itinerary yesterday. In conjunction with that, we also booked our hotel stays and the tour company is taking care of reservations for our Nile River Cruise and flights from Cairo to Luxor and Aswan back to Cairo. Since we leave for Egypt in a little over two weeks from today, that means that it will be four weeks from the time that we decided on our trip until the day we leave for Egypt. Fortunately, we are getting e-Visas, so that wasn’t an issue as well and we could have gotten a tourist visa when we arrived at the airport, but we didn’t want to leave it to chance. Now we just have a few items to buy for our time in the desert heat and then we can relax and just look forward to our trip.

Waterfall in Coroico, Bolivia
Hidden Falls in Colorado
Waterfall on Death Road

For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Free and Easy, we are sharing some photos of waterfalls. How comfortable would you be planning a trip to a foreign country that you have never visited before in less than four weeks from initiation to departure?

Majestic Falls in Yellowstone
Coroico Waterfall
Waterfall in the Amazon
Waterfall on a Trail in Colorado


13 thoughts on “Going With the Flow

  1. I agree with Cee waterfalls were a wonderful choice. I’d have no problem deciding on the spur of the moment to go and heading off – passport up to date and can just lock up and leave. My Mum though would have to have it planned months in advance and researched everything she would do before she got there. We once travelled together through Europe and it nearly sent her mad as we followed a compass direction and went where it took us.

  2. Sometimes that is the best way to do it! Depending on the destination, sometimes there is no need to plan too much in advance…and it can be more fun to just go with the flow! It also means that you are not waiting too long for the trip ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Wow Egypt. We’ve been thinking of a trip to Egypt for ages but just weren’t sure about the security aspects and whether we could book a lot of it ourselves. Be really interested to follow you on your trip. Hopefully it’ll be an incredible success.

    1. A few years ago traveling to Egypt would have been a little riskier due to the internal conflicts, but that has all died down. We decided to do the cruise and day trips through a tour company. Although it is definitely a place where you can plan it yourself.

      1. Yes I guess you’re right about the conflicts being a few years back, much safer now. So did you book flights and accommodation yourselves?

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