Lake Titicaca

Whether visiting Peru or Bolivia, it is definitely worth taking the time to visit Lake Titicaca. The lake extends into both countries and has several islands with Incan ruins that are thousands of years old. Obviously, we visited from the Bolivian side of the lake and we visited both Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) as well as Isla de la Luna (Island of the Moon), which were fascinating. There are several tour companies that will take you out to the islands via boat or hydrofoil and it is even possible to spend the night on Sun Island. Our trip out onto the lake started out a little choppy as a single rain cloud seemed to follow us out to the island. We even saw a waterspout at one point and had to take cover inside of the cabin of the boat. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, words that have two T’s, we decided to look back on our time on Lake Titicaca. We saw many interesting things during our time in Bolivia, but visiting the ruins on the lake was certainly one of the highlights of our time there.

Cruising on Lake Titicaca
Temple on Sun Island with Moon Island in the Distance on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia
Ruins on the Island
Start of the Waterspout


6 thoughts on “Lake Titicaca

  1. Pingback: Lake Titicaca – Trrvel

  2. Pingback: Mi Teleferico in La Paz, Bolivia | Living The Q Life

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