Isobar Expeditions

Our Changing Reflections on Travel



We have written several times over the past three to four years about how travel has impacted our lives. Looking back at the way we have viewed how travel influences our lives is as interesting in some ways as the actual travel has been. It is important to reflect upon the actual act of traveling as it is the experiences that come from travel. Here is a chronological look at the different articles we have written about travel in general.

Sitting at a Restaurant in the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain
  1. January 2016 – Shared Travel Memories. One of our early posts where we discuss traveling as a couple.

    Lighthouse on the Northern Coast of Africa in Morocco

  2. July 2017 – Do You Have a Specific Travel Goal. We shared our thoughts on having very specific goals for our travels and what we would consider to be our ultimate travel goal.

    View of the Prague Castle Complex

  3.  August 2017 – There is Always One More Place to See. No matter how many places you go, you can always find different countries, cities, regions, or specific sites that you would like to visit.

    At the Louvre in Paris

  4.  November 2017 – Every Trip Makes You a Smarter Traveler. We looked back at our first out of country experience and how different we travel now than we did then.

    Ancient Temple in India

  5.  February 2018 – How Do You Choose Your Next Travel Destination? We discussed the different ways that people use to pick a place that they would like to visit.

    The Streets of the Old City in Cairo

  6.  February 2019 – What Do You Hope to Get From Traveling. Regardless of the reason for your travel, it has an impact on you, so we explore the benefits of various travel styles.

    Paddling in a Small Canoe in the Amazon

  7.  March 2019 – Our Traveler Evolution. Exploring the various phases our travel style has gone through over the years.

    Standing in Bran Castle (Dracula’s Castle) in Transylvania

  8.  June 2019 – How Does Traveling Make You Feel. Sharing the emotions that come with traveling.

    Temples of Mahabalipuram

  9.  February 2020 – What Was Your Wanderlust Moment? We looked back at the trip that influenced the way that we have traveled since that experience.

    Halong Bay in Vietnam

  10.  March 2020 – Travel in an Uncertain World. In a world where things are continuously changing, travel is often impacted, but especially in today’s world.


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